I've gone through all of my teenage years listening to this album, and honestly, I would have to say it's the reason I got into listening to any sort of punk. When I was about thirteen, this album ended up on my ipod due to an older friend borrowing it for a couple days. I was just lucky that I actually gave it a shot and listened to it. It's a lot different from their pre-Milo-going-to-college-to-become-a-biochemist material. Everything Sucks is nothing like their 80's hardcore music they put out before the almost-10 year hiatus. I'd hate to call it pop-punk because I don't want to imply any of the sounds that modern "pop-punk" can encompass. It's just melodic punk with catchy lyrics you can relate to, it's like Milo's in my head, saying the things I can't put into words. They're extremely personal and deal with a lot of things a high school kid goes through, such as relationships, getting hurt, having no one understand you, and just general angst, as well as happier songs that you can relate to. It's just an incredible record, and it's definitely in my top 10 albums.
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