I discovered The Smiths after my first real break up. He dumped me the day after Christmas. I thought, at the time, that it was the worst thing to ever happen to me, the worst pain I would ever feel. That night, I went to a friend's house to get my mind off of things. Mostly to cry and scream about it. We ended up in her garage, going through her older brother's music collection. I found a dusty mixtape under a pile of Chicago records and pocketed it. After we called it a night, I drove home and got in bed as fast as I could. I cleaned off the tape and put it in my player, just because I can't sleep without music playing. The first 2 or 3 songs on the tape were 80's hair band ballads.. and they sucked.. a lot.. but, the 4th song was "You've Got Everything Now" by The Smiths. I remember laying there, wondering why the hell this kickass song was in the middle of 80's glam bull shit, then replaying it over and over again. The next morning, I went to Now Hear This, and found a used copy of Hatful of Hollow. I couldn't put it down for months. I was heartbroken and pissed, and this album was my fail-safe. Morrissey gives off that "I don't give a fuck, but I kinda do" attitude that I've always felt existed in myself. His cynicism and humor, with Marr on guitar, had me in a musical trance. I don't know why I'm even attempting to explain what these songs mean to me, because words can't even begin to express it. I still can't musically relate to anything as much as I do with The Smiths. Do yourself a favor and go listen.
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